Sunday 6 March 2011

Danmark: København og Århus

Having only spent one week split between two different Denmark cities, I can't even begin to do it justice.  I loved everything about Denmark: I loved the people, the architecture, the streets.  I loved the bakeries and the small canals.  I loved having familiar faces to show me around, rather than having to figure it all out myself.  It was nice catching up with friends, though it seems like just yesterday we were discussing how crazy it would be to hang out in Europe the following semester. 
When I initially asked my friend Sam why she wanted to study in Denmark, she told me she wanted to travel somewhere "off the beaten path".  Well, she definitely did.  Though Copenhagen does attract a fair amount of tourists, Aarhus, even though it is the second largest city in Denmark, does not.  It consists of mainly locals: hanging out at their favorite pubs, riding on the buses, grabbing a cup of coffee.  It's definitely a different feel than traveling in the touristy cities; there aren't annoying tourist shops every time you turn around, there aren't bars or pubs where only tourists hang out.  I couldn’t even find a postcard to bring home!
There are a lot of fun things to do, though, especially when you have your own personal tour guide.  Not only was there a lot to do, but a lot of the things things I definitely hadn’t gotten to do in a while.  We went ice skating, biking, shopping downtown (that, I must admit, does not fit in the category of things I hadn’t done in a while), we rode on a ferry, and dressed up for Halloween. It was a mixture of old and new all wrapped in to one.  It was comfortable where it was also fresh and unique.  It was making new friends and getting to spend time with the ones you already have, and have missed. 
I’m so glad to have had the experience I did over spring break.  Denmark was breathtaking, and not as cold as everyone said!  Both the people and the landscape were welcoming, and I was able to instantly feel at home.

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