Monday 21 February 2011


It was a harsh reality shock when I began to learn the fashion rules of London in my first week here.  No longer could I wear sweatpants for 3 days in a row, hell, I couldn't even wear them out in public.  Uh-oh.  Along with this, I also learned that I needed to start showering every day, because here it’s more unacceptable to look like a grunge ball.  This was definitely an adjustment, but I’m sure my roommates are thankful. As I began to examine the fashion of those around me to try and better fit in within this foreign culture I had one main observation: there was a lot of black.  Black leggings, black tights, black boots, black gloves, black scarves, you get the idea.  I guess I understand.  Black is an easy-to-wear color: it goes with everything, it’s slimming, it never goes out of style. 

Since being here, I’ve acquired a few articles of black clothing that I now feel I could never go without. 

A long black coat- waterproof of course- that I wear pretty much everywhere I go.  I wear it out on rainy days, out on sunny days, to the market, to the grocery store, to class.  It never fails to match my outfit, and it’s long enough to keep my legs warm, even when the cold London wind is blowing. 

A short black skirt- that I can wear out with almost any top.  I can wear it with shirts tucked in or pulled out, with tights or without, and with any color jewelry.  It’s fashionable and comfy, and for 4 pounds, I definitely feel it was a good purchase. 

Black jeans- original and chic, these jeans can slightly dress up any outfit they’re worn with. They work well if it’s too cold for tights or leggings, and they work pretty well with heels.

Black boots- warm and trendy, these boots go pretty much wherever I do.  They, also, are waterproof and keep my feet nice and dry when it's raining. They can be dressed up to wear out at night, or dressed down to wear around on errands. 

 This collection of black items, more than any other articles of clothing, will forever remind me of my experience in London. 

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