Thursday 17 March 2011

A Daily Routine

Life in Madison is pretty basic.  95% of the time, life revolves around school.  Waking up for lecture, finishing up homework for discussion, deciding which library to study at, preparing an analysis for lab.  Oh, and then doing it all over again.  I don't know how anyone could ever get by if they didn't enjoy what they were studying.  But, here? Here everything is different.  Here every day is a new adventure, here every day is filled with new people and new places.  Here there's never an excuse to be inside (even if it's raining).  Here is never the same thing twice.  Here I wake up in the morning and get to go for a jog in the beautiful Hyde Park.  Lately, there has been all types of flowers blooming, and leaves have begun to grow on trees.  There's people walking dogs, people walking, people paddle boating.  All new people, all new adventures.  After that, I usually shower and make breakfast.  Then, depending on the day, I'll either head off to class, head off to do errands.  These errands can range from grocery shopping to mailing post cards. My least favorite of these errands I occasionally have to run is doing my laundry.  The "crypt" laundry room in Metrogate really freaks me out, and it takes forever!  After that, I usually stop by a sandwich place or run home to make lunch- anything from pizza to stir fry.  If I don’t have class in the afternoons, they are usually spent shopping.  Sometimes for shoes, sometimes for school supplies, sometimes for souvenirs, but mostly for clothes.  Anywhere from Camden Market to Kensington High Street to Oxford, I'm usually down to go on a shopping spree.  My wallet doesn’t generally have as much fun as I do, though.  After this, it’s dinner time.  I didn’t realize how much my schedule revolved around food until I began to write this week about my daily routines.  Anyways, dinner comes next. Though normally I make myself dinner at home, sometimes there’s more exciting plans such as going out to dinner for a friend’s birthday, or eating a delicious dinner at an Iraqi restaurant for a pound.  After dinner, I’ll usually catch up on some TV shows or do some reading.  I also get my homework done, unless we have an evening event such as a pound trip to the theatre or to a ballet.  The thing is, I don’t usually get up and do it all again the next day.  Each day is different, new, and exciting.  It’s definitely a lifestyle I could get used to.

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