Sunday 3 April 2011

Tea Parties

When I was 6 years old, I used to throw tea parties for all my friends.  Getting dressed up , drinking out of plastic cups, and eating cookies was our definition of an afternoon well spent.  I don’t think I ever imagined (or ever could have imagined) what it was actually like to go to a real afternoon tea in England.  Afternoon tea at the Gore Hotel last Wednesday was everything I could have imagined and more.  It was fancy, filling, and delicious!  We started out with just some tea, and then went on to enjoy crust less sandwiches.  There were sandwiches of all varieties, my favorites being the cucumber and egg with mayo.  The sandwiches were followed by scones, one plain and one raisin, served with clotted cream and homemade jam.  Last but not least, we finished with some desserts.  The varieties of desserts were all rich and scrumptious.  They included éclairs, chocolate fudge brownies, and lemon tarts.  By this point in the meal, I was completely full, but I definitely made room anyways.  I made it through one éclair, one petite lemon tart, and halfway through the most rich and filling brownie I had ever tasted.  I could barely move after the meal, but I felt it was for a good cause.  The atmosphere was also really great.  It was a beautiful spring day (warm enough to wear a simple spring dress), and I was surrounded by all my friends.  The tea was also followed up by my first ever trip to the ballet.  We went to the Royal Opera House to watch a performance of Cinderella, which was also breathtaking.  The gracefulness of the dancers and talent of the orchestra really combined to put on an exceptional show.  Being that I had never been to the ballet before, I had no idea what to expect.  I was once again blown away (I have started to expect this of my London experiences).  The fluidity and movement of the dancers painted the ever-so-familiar story in my head with a very unique and distinct style.  It was definitely an experience which inspired me to attend more ballets.  Although we are all trying avidly to avoid the fact that our beloved UW London Semester is coming to an end, it makes it a little bit easier to face knowing that I have seen and done so many wonderful things in my time here.  In just one day I was able to experience two things which I would have never had a chance to do on my own, but things I will definitely now try.  And that’s what I had the most desire to get out of this experience. 

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